Release date: December 18th, 2019
Feature highlights
- We added a new extension! Called Cord. It helps you integrate Google Analytics and Facebook pixel.
- The form generator has been refactored to make the settings page easier to work with.
Updated extensions
Detailed log
Plugin improvements
- Added:
- A brand new extension, called Cord!
- The
notice type. These are highlighted via a blue color, with a question mark at the side.
- Improved:
- The extension settings fields now leave a little more space for the inputs, depending on the description size.
- The extension settings interface is much snappier, thanks to refactorization of old sluggish code.
- The extension settings collapsible items are now validated on-load, instead of when expanding the items.
- This has been done for improved accessibility. The trade-off is that this will negatively affect browser-performance when loading in hundreds of Local departments.
- Various server-sided adjustments have been made which improve performance.
- We found a workaround with the non-Webkit/Blink rendering of the shrinking gridboxes. Enjoy a neat interface on Edge and Firefox now, too!
- Changed:
- The extensions are now autoloaded in the order they’re presented, instead of the order in which they’re activated.
- Other:
- We expanded the form-generator, where it now accepts various plain and dropdown fields.
- The form-generator no longer parses the dropdown titles on the server. It now lets your browser take care of that.
- All WordPress Filter/Action/Dependency API callbacks to static methods are no longer concatenated, but are instead put in an array.
- Updated translation POT file.
- Fixed:
- The available PHP memory is now asserted correctly during upgrades. Before, upgrading went to the absolute limit before deferring, resulting in memory exhaustion.
- A browser memory leak and CPU job heaping after repeatedly adding extension settings form iterations.
- The correct script is now called for the installation of The SEO Framework, making for the intended visualized experience. We changed the names during development that called stale scripts that weren’t in the final version earlier.
- The default extension options are no longer repopulated erroneously in the form-generator when cleared.